Monday, April 21, 2008

Cost of cab fare from Tiantan Puhua hospital to the Pearl Market - 13 RMB

Cost of hand carved dragon stamp at market shopt - 55 RMB

Cost of ink to go with hand carved stamp - 10 RMB

Husband's expression when he finds out that you paid a total of 65 RMB when he paid 300 RMB for the same thing 2 days earlier - priceless.

Today I was actually able to leave the centre, sans kids, for the first time ever. To say it felt good would be an understatement. I went to a nearby market with an Australian woman who is here helping her sister for a few days and she taught me the all-important art to bargaining. She is truly the master but by the end of the day, she was impressed with my mad bartering skillz. I've got to say, it was the most fun I've had in a long time and I'm sure that my dreams tonight will be filled with calls of 'lady...hey lady....i have good price, just for you....i offer you good deal..."

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