Monday, January 24, 2011

24/365 Winterpeg


There are certain parts integral to every vehicle that render it completely useless when they cease to function. I will be the first to admit that I know very little when it comes to the mechanical components under the hood. I could change the oil or a tire if I had to and once had a Mustang that had to be started with screw driver but truthfully, that's about the extent of my limited knowledge. That said, when our van started making a funny sound a few weeks ago, I knew that it was probably a bad thing. When the funny sound turned into a van that suddenly seemed to flake out and refuse to choose a gear, 'probably' was elevated to 'most definitely'. Indesisiveness in vehicles is never a good thing. Transmissions....they would be one of those integral parts. So instead of a productive day conquering Mt. Laundry, we drove to the city to pick up a new transmission and drop off Lexi's passport application.

Winterpeg - a very fitting moniker for a city that is currently covered under a layer of ice and snow. Redlights were reduced to mere guidelines and the attitude was really more one of "Stop.....if you can...." Fortunately we made it there and back safely - which couldn't be said for the 3 SUV's that were in the ditch or the overturned semi-truck that was blocking one lane of the highway. Tatyanna however, was content to leave any worrying to the grown-ups and spent the trip snuggled in blankets in the back seat watching cartoons.

Dear Summer....I miss you.....please come back!


  1. Love the photo. I reminds me of the city in MI we used to live in. I remember well the "stop....if you can.." moments. Glad you had a safe trip!

  2. Hope you get the warm weather we're getting in Saskatoon right now:)
